Carbon Calculators
Our calculators use the richest dataset of emission factors available anywhere in the industry. Built by specialists, aligned to international carbon standards, constantly updated and fully automated to provide accurate footprints, instantly.
Our integrated and automated product carbon footprint solution via our Integration Partners.
For businesses needing to measure and report scope 1, 2 and 3 carbon emissions to enable more informed decision making for carbon reduction.
For businesses decarbonising their operations, products and supply chain, with Net-Zero ambitions.
Instant carbon footprints

Our integration partners
We partner with industry leading MIS and ERP platforms to seamlessly integrate our carbon calculator into their software and platforms
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*this CarbonConnect feature can be purchased together with Essentials and Pro
The CarbonQuota effect
Trusted by the world's biggest brands
“Our growth in the Irish market meant more and more customers were asking for carbon measurement of the products and services we provide. CarbonQuota rapidly demonstrated their technology could automate carbon reporting for our wide range of creative services and the complexities of the merchandise and point-of-purchase materials we source.”
Talk to the experts
From carbon footprint measurement to reduction strategy and consultation, we're here to help you reach your carbon goals